Let’s make the most of your future!
Your group insurance benefits plan is provided by Canada Life.
Canada Life is here to answer your questions. You can reach us at 1-833-794-0225.
You can also find your plan number on your card or when you sign-in to your My Canada Life at Work account, select Plan Details, when you click on your profile.
Visit this site to review your benefits coverage and review or make changes to your beneficiary designation(s).
Visit the site to review your health and dental benefits, submit claims, find your benefits card details, and complete your banking information and other details.
Get step-by-step instructions on how to register for your benefits and savings plans with My Canada Life at Work. Get started at www.mycanadalifeatwork.com.
Description: This video uses footage of a plan member and the My Canada Life at Work website to show how to register for your group benefits and savings plan.
Narrator: Registering for My Canada Life at Work takes just a few minutes.
Description: A man sits on a couch while typing on his laptop in the living room.
Narrator: Go to mycanadalifeatwork.com
Description: Cut to the “Sign in” page
of the My Canada Life at Work website displayed on a laptop screen.
Narrator: And click “Register.”
Description: The camera zooms into the screen as a cursor enters the frame and selects the “Register” button.
Narrator: Then select “Both” to manage your benefits and savings plans.
Description: The “Register” page is shown and the “Select” button is clicked underneath the “Both” section.
Narrator: Enter your plan or policy number and member or certificate number for at least one of your plans. You should have received these numbers from your plan administrator. Now choose “Next.”
Description: Numbers are entered in the form fields. The “Next” button is clicked.
Narrator: Enter your first and last name as they appear in your enrolment package or on your statement.
Description: The “Account registration” page is shown. A progress bar with “Step 1 of 5” appears. The member’s first and last name are entered in the “Personal information” section.
Narrator: Next, you’ll add your personal email address and a password you’ll always use to sign in.
Description: Under “Sign in details,” the member’s email address and password are entered. They confirm their password then click “Register.”
Narrator: We’ll email you to make sure we got it right.
Description: Cut back to the man in his living room, browsing on his phone. A notification enters the frame with a mail icon that reads: “New message” and “Welcome to Canada Life.”
Narrator: After you confirm, you can sign in and complete your account setup.
Description: Cut to a confirmation page. The member signs in using their email address and password. They click “Sign in.”
Narrator: So we can verify your identity, enter a few more of your personal details, then click “Next.”
Description: The page returns to the account registration process. “Step 3 of 5” is displayed. The member scrolls down to the “Verify your identity” section and enters their birthdate, first name, last name and postal code. The “Next” button is clicked.
Narrator: Here you can let us know if we can use your social insurance number for our records.
Description: The progress bar advances to “Step 4 of 5.” The member clicks the check box to consent to using their social insurance number for tax reporting.
Narrator: You can also stay connected with us about ways to use your group plan and improve your financial, physical and mental well-being.
Description: The cursor clicks a second check box to agree to promotions and marketing materials from Canada Life. The “Next” button is clicked.
Narrator: Finally, to keep your account extra safe, you can use two-step verification.
Description: The progress bar advances to “Step 5 of 5.” The member is prompted to turn on two-step verification. A radio button beside “Yes” is clicked.
Narrator: If you do, we’ll send you a five-digit code every time you sign in or change your password.
Description: The camera zooms out to display the page on a laptop. A phone enters the frame with a new notification: “New message from Canada Life.”
Narrator: That’s it.
Description: The My Canada Life at Work dashboard appears on the laptop and phone.
Narrator: Now you’re ready to use My Canada Life at Work for your benefits and savings plans.
Description: Cut back to the man in his living room, smiling as he uses his phone to navigate the website.
Narrator: Go to mycanadalifeatwork.com to get started.
Description: Words “Go to mycanadalifeatwork.com to get started.” appear with the Canada Life logo and legal lines: Canada Life and design and My Canada Life at Work are trademarks of The Canada Life Assurance Company. mycanadalifeatwork.com | Group Benefits: 1-800-957-9777 | Group Retirement Services: 1-800-724-3402
Description: This video uses footage of a plan member and the My Canada Life at Work website to show how to register for your group benefits and savings plan.
Narrator: Registering for My Canada Life at Work takes just a few minutes.
Description: A man sits on a couch while typing on his laptop in the living room.
Narrator: Go to mycanadalifeatwork.com
Description: Cut to the “Sign in” page
of the My Canada Life at Work website displayed on a laptop screen.
Narrator: And click “Register.”
Description: The camera zooms into the screen as a cursor enters the frame and selects the “Register” button.
Narrator: Then select “Both” to manage your benefits and savings plans.
Description: The “Register” page is shown and the “Select” button is clicked underneath the “Both” section.
Narrator: Enter your plan or policy number and member or certificate number for at least one of your plans. You should have received these numbers from your plan administrator. Now choose “Next.”
Description: Numbers are entered in the form fields. The “Next” button is clicked.
Narrator: Enter your first and last name as they appear in your enrolment package or on your statement.
Description: The “Account registration” page is shown. A progress bar with “Step 1 of 5” appears. The member’s first and last name are entered in the “Personal information” section.
Narrator: Next, you’ll add your personal email address and a password you’ll always use to sign in.
Description: Under “Sign in details,” the member’s email address and password are entered. They confirm their password then click “Register.”
Narrator: We’ll email you to make sure we got it right.
Description: Cut back to the man in his living room, browsing on his phone. A notification enters the frame with a mail icon that reads: “New message” and “Welcome to Canada Life.”
Narrator: After you confirm, you can sign in and complete your account setup.
Description: Cut to a confirmation page. The member signs in using their email address and password. They click “Sign in.”
Narrator: So we can verify your identity, enter a few more of your personal details, then click “Next.”
Description: The page returns to the account registration process. “Step 3 of 5” is displayed. The member scrolls down to the “Verify your identity” section and enters their birthdate, first name, last name and postal code. The “Next” button is clicked.
Narrator: Here you can let us know if we can use your social insurance number for our records.
Description: The progress bar advances to “Step 4 of 5.” The member clicks the check box to consent to using their social insurance number for tax reporting.
Narrator: You can also stay connected with us about ways to use your group plan and improve your financial, physical and mental well-being.
Description: The cursor clicks a second check box to agree to promotions and marketing materials from Canada Life. The “Next” button is clicked.
Narrator: Finally, to keep your account extra safe, you can use two-step verification.
Description: The progress bar advances to “Step 5 of 5.” The member is prompted to turn on two-step verification. A radio button beside “Yes” is clicked.
Narrator: If you do, we’ll send you a five-digit code every time you sign in or change your password.
Description: The camera zooms out to display the page on a laptop. A phone enters the frame with a new notification: “New message from Canada Life.”
Narrator: That’s it.
Description: The My Canada Life at Work dashboard appears on the laptop and phone.
Narrator: Now you’re ready to use My Canada Life at Work for your benefits and savings plans.
Description: Cut back to the man in his living room, smiling as he uses his phone to navigate the website.
Narrator: Go to mycanadalifeatwork.com to get started.
Description: Words “Go to mycanadalifeatwork.com to get started.” appear with the Canada Life logo and legal lines: Canada Life and design and My Canada Life at Work are trademarks of The Canada Life Assurance Company. mycanadalifeatwork.com | Group Benefits: 1-800-957-9777 | Group Retirement Services: 1-800-724-3402
Find out how to submit a claim and review your benefits with My Canada Life at Work. Get started at www.mycanadalifeatwork.com.
Description: This video uses footage of a plan member and the My Canada Life at Work website to show how you can use your benefits plan.
Narrator: With My Canada Life at Work, it’s easy to submit a claim and review your benefits.
Description: A young woman sits in front of a laptop in her kitchen.
Narrator: First, sign in to mycanadalifeatwork.com
Description: Cut to the “Sign in” page of the My Canada Life at Work website displayed on a laptop screen. The camera zooms into the screen as the plan number’s email and password are entered in the form fields. A cursor enters the frame and the “Sign in” button is clicked.
Narrator: and click “Make a claim.”
Description: The dashboard is shown. The cursor selects the “Make a claim” button. The “Make a claim” page is shown then the “Start online claim” button is clicked.
Narrator: For most health, dental, vision and drug claims, you can use our fast-track process.
Description: The plan member selects the claim type, a previous service provider then answers a list of “Yes” or “No” medical questions. They then enter the expense details: date and type of service, length of visit and amount charged. A receipt is attached then “Continue” is selected.
Narrator: For other claims,
Description: Cut back to the “Make a claim” page. The “Start other claim” button is clicked. The “Other claims” page is shown and the “Find claim form” button is selected.
Narrator: you’ll need to download and complete a form,
Description: A modal window opens and a wellness account claim form appears. The plan member’s information is entered into the form.
Narrator: then submit it electronically along with your receipts and supporting documents.
Description: Return to the “Other claims” page. The form is attached and two checkboxes are selected to confirm all documents are added. The “Submit” button is clicked.
Narrator: Once we’ve processed your claim,
Description: The claim summary appears with a “Claim successfully submitted” confirmation.
Narrator: we’ll let you know by email or text.
Description: Cut to the woman sitting on her bed with a laptop in front of her. A notification enters the frame that reads: “SMS” and “New message from Canada Life.” She grabs her phone out of frame to check the message.
Narrator: If you’d like to review your benefits coverage, select “Benefits,” then “Coverage and balances.”
Description: Cut back to the dashboard. The cursor clicks “Benefits” in the main menu then "Coverage and balances."
Narrator: Here you can see a plan summary.
Description: The member selects “Health.” A summary of health benefits is shown, including the deductible, payable information, plan maximum and frequency.
Narrator: Select “Balances” to see how much coverage you’ve used and how much you have left.
Description: The “Balances” tab is clicked then a coverage type. The used and remaining balances are displayed.
Narrator: Manage your benefits quickly and easily with My Canada Life at Work.
Description: The camera zooms out to display the My Canada Life at Work dashboard on a laptop and phone.
Narrator: Go to mycanadalifeatwork.com to get started.
Description: Words “Go to mycanadalifeatwork.com to get started.” appear with Canada Life logo and legal lines: Canada Life and design and My Canada Life at Work are trademarks of The Canada Life Assurance Company. mycanadalifeatwork.com 1-800-957-9777
Description: This video uses footage of a plan member and the My Canada Life at Work website to show how you can use your benefits plan.
Narrator: With My Canada Life at Work, it’s easy to submit a claim and review your benefits.
Description: A young woman sits in front of a laptop in her kitchen.
Narrator: First, sign in to mycanadalifeatwork.com
Description: Cut to the “Sign in” page of the My Canada Life at Work website displayed on a laptop screen. The camera zooms into the screen as the plan number’s email and password are entered in the form fields. A cursor enters the frame and the “Sign in” button is clicked.
Narrator: and click “Make a claim.”
Description: The dashboard is shown. The cursor selects the “Make a claim” button. The “Make a claim” page is shown then the “Start online claim” button is clicked.
Narrator: For most health, dental, vision and drug claims, you can use our fast-track process.
Description: The plan member selects the claim type, a previous service provider then answers a list of “Yes” or “No” medical questions. They then enter the expense details: date and type of service, length of visit and amount charged. A receipt is attached then “Continue” is selected.
Narrator: For other claims,
Description: Cut back to the “Make a claim” page. The “Start other claim” button is clicked. The “Other claims” page is shown and the “Find claim form” button is selected.
Narrator: you’ll need to download and complete a form,
Description: A modal window opens and a wellness account claim form appears. The plan member’s information is entered into the form.
Narrator: then submit it electronically along with your receipts and supporting documents.
Description: Return to the “Other claims” page. The form is attached and two checkboxes are selected to confirm all documents are added. The “Submit” button is clicked.
Narrator: Once we’ve processed your claim,
Description: The claim summary appears with a “Claim successfully submitted” confirmation.
Narrator: we’ll let you know by email or text.
Description: Cut to the woman sitting on her bed with a laptop in front of her. A notification enters the frame that reads: “SMS” and “New message from Canada Life.” She grabs her phone out of frame to check the message.
Narrator: If you’d like to review your benefits coverage, select “Benefits,” then “Coverage and balances.”
Description: Cut back to the dashboard. The cursor clicks “Benefits” in the main menu then "Coverage and balances."
Narrator: Here you can see a plan summary.
Description: The member selects “Health.” A summary of health benefits is shown, including the deductible, payable information, plan maximum and frequency.
Narrator: Select “Balances” to see how much coverage you’ve used and how much you have left.
Description: The “Balances” tab is clicked then a coverage type. The used and remaining balances are displayed.
Narrator: Manage your benefits quickly and easily with My Canada Life at Work.
Description: The camera zooms out to display the My Canada Life at Work dashboard on a laptop and phone.
Narrator: Go to mycanadalifeatwork.com to get started.
Description: Words “Go to mycanadalifeatwork.com to get started.” appear with Canada Life logo and legal lines: Canada Life and design and My Canada Life at Work are trademarks of The Canada Life Assurance Company. mycanadalifeatwork.com 1-800-957-9777
Learn a few ways to save on drug costs, like choosing generic over brand name drugs.
Narrator: You may be wondering why we encourage our members to choose generic drugs.
Description: Jean stands in her bathroom looking at an empty pill bottle.
Narrator: Generic drugs can cost up to 20% less than the brand name version.
Description: The pill bottle enters into frame; text appears beside that reads “20%” less.
Narrator: Brand name drugs are more expensive because it costs drug companies a lot to develop new products.
Description: Cut to a beaker on a table, money falls in from above. The beaker fills with liquid.
Narrator: Once a new drug is developed, the company can obtain a patent - the exclusive right to make and sell it for a certain period of time.
Description: An eyedropper samples the liquid and transforms into a pill. The pill, along with others falls into a lock. The lock is secured.
Narrator: When the patent expires, other companies can produce generic versions.
Description: Time passes. The lock opens, and generic drugs are produced.
Narrator: Since generic manufacturers don’t need to invest as much in research and development, their prices can be much lower.
Description: The beaker returns, less money falls in. The beaker fills with less liquid.
Narrator: Generic drugs can be just as effective as the brand name version.
Description: Cut to two pill bottles that look the same. An equal sign falls in between.
Narrator: To have Health Canada approval, a generic drug must include the same quality medicinal ingredients as the brand name version.
Description: A maple leaf flies by as s checkmark appears. Text beside reads “Same ingredients, same quality.”
Narrator: The drug also has to be absorbed by the body the same way.
Description: Text continues: “Same requirements.”
Narrator: Non-active ingredients like fillers or colouring can be different. But they can’t change the drug’s effectiveness.
Description: A line of test tubes appear. They fill with different coloured liquids.
Narrator: Sometimes, both manufacturers buy ingredients from the same suppliers.
Description: One test tube is removed, the liquid pours equally into two beakers.
Narrator: Another way to cut the cost of your prescription is by shopping around.
Description: Cut to view of city, location pins appear above.
Narrator: Pharmacies have different dispensing fees, mark-ups and other costs. Find the pharmacy that gives you the most affordable option.
Description: Location pins morph into different costs. The most affordable is highlighted.
Narrator: You can also request a three-month supply of your medications, rather than one month at a time. This way you’ll only pay one dispensing fee instead of three.
Description: One pill bottle returns, joined by two others. Each bottle has their own fee. A line connects the three and the fee is shared.
Narrator: These are all ways you can save money
Description: Return to Jean at the pharmacy, refilling her prescription.
Narrator: and help keep your company’s drug plan affordable for everyone.
Description: Fade to “Go to mycanadalifeatwork.com to sign in today.” with the Canada Life logo and legal line: “Canada Life and design and My Canada Life at Work are trademarks of The Canada Life Assurance Company. mycanadalifeatwork.com 1-800-724-3402.”
Narrator: You may be wondering why we encourage our members to choose generic drugs.
Description: Jean stands in her bathroom looking at an empty pill bottle.
Narrator: Generic drugs can cost up to 20% less than the brand name version.
Description: The pill bottle enters into frame; text appears beside that reads “20%” less.
Narrator: Brand name drugs are more expensive because it costs drug companies a lot to develop new products.
Description: Cut to a beaker on a table, money falls in from above. The beaker fills with liquid.
Narrator: Once a new drug is developed, the company can obtain a patent - the exclusive right to make and sell it for a certain period of time.
Description: An eyedropper samples the liquid and transforms into a pill. The pill, along with others falls into a lock. The lock is secured.
Narrator: When the patent expires, other companies can produce generic versions.
Description: Time passes. The lock opens, and generic drugs are produced.
Narrator: Since generic manufacturers don’t need to invest as much in research and development, their prices can be much lower.
Description: The beaker returns, less money falls in. The beaker fills with less liquid.
Narrator: Generic drugs can be just as effective as the brand name version.
Description: Cut to two pill bottles that look the same. An equal sign falls in between.
Narrator: To have Health Canada approval, a generic drug must include the same quality medicinal ingredients as the brand name version.
Description: A maple leaf flies by as s checkmark appears. Text beside reads “Same ingredients, same quality.”
Narrator: The drug also has to be absorbed by the body the same way.
Description: Text continues: “Same requirements.”
Narrator: Non-active ingredients like fillers or colouring can be different. But they can’t change the drug’s effectiveness.
Description: A line of test tubes appear. They fill with different coloured liquids.
Narrator: Sometimes, both manufacturers buy ingredients from the same suppliers.
Description: One test tube is removed, the liquid pours equally into two beakers.
Narrator: Another way to cut the cost of your prescription is by shopping around.
Description: Cut to view of city, location pins appear above.
Narrator: Pharmacies have different dispensing fees, mark-ups and other costs. Find the pharmacy that gives you the most affordable option.
Description: Location pins morph into different costs. The most affordable is highlighted.
Narrator: You can also request a three-month supply of your medications, rather than one month at a time. This way you’ll only pay one dispensing fee instead of three.
Description: One pill bottle returns, joined by two others. Each bottle has their own fee. A line connects the three and the fee is shared.
Narrator: These are all ways you can save money
Description: Return to Jean at the pharmacy, refilling her prescription.
Narrator: and help keep your company’s drug plan affordable for everyone.
Description: Fade to “Go to mycanadalifeatwork.com to sign in today.” with the Canada Life logo and legal line: “Canada Life and design and My Canada Life at Work are trademarks of The Canada Life Assurance Company. mycanadalifeatwork.com 1-800-724-3402.”
As Canadians, we enjoy access to universal health care, but some services like dental may not be covered. This is where your group benefits come in.
Narrator: In Canada, there are two kinds of benefits plans that can help you and your family afford the health care you need.
Description: Phil and Jean stand with their two children.
Narrator: One is your provincial health care plan.
Description: Cut to map of Canada with health plus signs floating from each province.
Narrator: The other is your employer’s group benefits plan, which often covers many things your provincial health care doesn’t.
Description: One plus sign floats up and a shield is drawn around, representing benefits coverage.
Narrator: Your provincial plan may not provide full coverage for medication for high blood pressure, diabetes or other serious illnesses.
Description: A pill bottle enters into frame, joined by two more. Text appears beside: “High blood pressure, diabetes or other serious illnesses.
Narrator: Then there’s dental and other health services like massage or physiotherapy, that may not be covered either.
Description: Cut to icons of a dentist, massage therapist and physiotherapist. Phil’s hands enter frame, holding a phone and using the GroupNet for plan members app.
Narrator: Without your Canada Life benefits plan, money to pay for all those things might have to come out of your own pocket.
Description: Cut to a wallet. The wallet opens.
Narrator: And it could add up to hundreds or thousands of dollars every year.
Description: Text that reads $100 comes from the wallet. A comma and 0 are added to read $1,000.
Narrator: With Canada Life group benefits,
Description: Phil’s hand and phone return. The GroupNet coverage screen is shown.
Narrator: you know we’re here to help when you and your loved ones need it most.Description: Cut to Phil and his daughter in living room. The daughter has a toothache.
Narrator: Whatever life throws at you, we have you
Description: Cut to dentist’s office. Phil holds his daughter’s hand and shows the GroupNet app on his phone to the receptionist.
Narrator: and your family covered.
Description: Fade to Canada Life logo and legal line: Canada Life and design are trademarks of The Canada Life Assurance Company.
Workplace Strategies for Mental Health resources are offered by Canada Life for all Canadian employers, people leaders, facilitators of workplace psychological health and safety, and employees. All tools and resources are evidence or practice-based and available to you at no cost.