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Once you receive approval from Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) to join the PSHCP, the link to the VAC Positive Enrolment and Pre-authorized Debit form and the instructions are on this page. 

To start your health benefits coverage, you must complete the paper PSHCP positive enrolment with pre-authorized debit form and submit it to Canada Life. 

If these forms are not submitted on time, your health benefits coverage may be terminated and you’ll be required to reapply through Veterans Affairs Canada. You will have to wait for 3 months after the date of your latest application before coverage is active.

What you’ll need to complete your paper positive enrolment form

  • Your dependants’ information including their date of birth
  • Information about any benefits:
    • Your spouse or common-law partner has through their employer
    • You have through another employer
  • Positive enrolment instructions M5555 (PSHCP)

What you’ll need to complete your paper pre-authorized debit form

  • Your banking information to set up pre-authorized debit for contribution rate collection with Canada Life
  • A void cheque or printout with your banking information from your banking institution

The Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) Client Group can complete positive enrolment online in the future. Please complete your positive enrolment by paper now, and in 2 years when it’s time for you to validate your positive enrolment information, we'll have a new and improved online process for you. 

The Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) Client Group forms

If you have any questions regarding your eligibility and coverage details under the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP), please call Veterans Affairs Canada at 1-866-522-2122